** Please read entire description and check photos carefully so you know what you are purchasing.
This is a large tote bag made from thrifted/upcycled Bank coin/money bags. Each one is unique and one of a kind. I use two bags to make each tote so both sides are different.
Because these are made from old, heavily used coin/money bags they do have stains, creases, wear and some small frayed holes. They were washed twice before turning them into totes so some of the print may be faded. The base is waxed canvas, the interior is unlbeached muslin and the handles are cotton webbing (all new materials).
Waxed canvas is not washable but can be spot cleaned as needed and the wax can be reapplied and/or redistributed with a hair dryer or heat gun.
This one measures 16” tall x 18” wide with a boxed base of 11 x 6”.
Ready to ship